Friday, February 25, 2011

Homer Comic

New Vocabulary

Fluffy-belly-annoyance-bankruptcy-scale-betrayed-complain-perfom-enough-at teast-as well-wackos-colossuss-bow ties-package-doldruns-betray-as long as-blissfully-unaware-doom-boon-nonsense-suitable-out grown-jolly-behemoth-headache-throbbing-apogolize-unableshred-jingoistic-you man-husband-mocking-attorney

Main Ideas

The idea of the comic was, Homer was very glutton, and he had a big belly. Marge was annoyed with Homer because he got fat. He promise her, he won't eat donnuts; But when he arrived to job, he bought a package of donnuts.

While, Burns, was planning use rejuvenetor ray, but it was necesary prove teh ray in a diferent person because it was possible that it doesn't work. Mr Burns chose to Homer, to prove the ray.

When Homer was eating donnuts, Mr Burns threw a ray to Homer.

Next day, Homer grew and he was a big man, he was a behemoth. In the notices announced this event. Homer was the protagonist of all notices during that day. marge was worried all day.

Mayor of Sprienfield got angry, and gave the order to search responsible of disaster.

The police met Homer family and notified that Homer was in a big danger.

Then, they realized taht the responsible was Mr Burns.

Researchers of the ray, revealed the truth and they said that the ray was reversible.

Homer was cured and he returned to be normal person.

I liked...

I liked of this comic, when the Bart teacher, asked apologize him because she looked that Homer was a behemoth


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