Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Homer Comic


fluffy, Annoyance,attorney,Wiggum,betrayed,rather,grip, Heading, Blow


Homer was eating a lot!...And Marge was really worry...He couldn't even see past his
Belly...so she Told him ''don't eat more donuts''....But Homer was hungry so he couldn't resist
and he ate them.
Mr Burns was very sad because he was old..So he wanted to be younger...and he had the posibility to
have a rejuvenator ray...But he had to prove it in someone else..Because it could be dangerous For him.
So he decided to prove it on Homer..As we can see he is kind of silly...But the ray was not working well
because Homer grew up!..He was a giant!..The police and the Mayor were worry and mad!..So they thought
that Homer was Guilty.....But in the end of the story they discover that the Guilty one was Mr. Burns and
Homer got back to his normal size!...Anyways he still being fat :p..But at least he has a normal size.


My favorite part of the story is When he bent dowm and he Broke his pants!...
So you can see Homer's underwear..and the part when he imagine the clouds
as Donuts!..and he heard a voice saying ''Eat us Homer Eat us!''


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